Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter 2017!

Hey Friends! 

So it was our first Easter in our new house/town and it was pretty good! 

Sometimes I forget I am the mom now and I'm supposed to make the holidays magical! So here's my mom fail of the day! 

Our little town apparently does an Easter egg hunt every year and it's a huge deal. So I knew that it started at 10 am but there is always something that slows us down and this time I couldn't find their Easter baskets. So I ended up getting to the hunt at about 10:07 which is pretty awesome in my book but it wasn't awesome in the Easter bunny's book! When we started walking up everyone was leaving!! I guess they start right at 10 and the kids just go wild and all the eggs were gone!

I felt like such a doofus! But luckily the Easter bunny was still there and they were handing out prize bags so the girls got those but no eggs! River even ran way out into the field searching for them! But now we know and we will be EARLY next year! 

After we left I went straight to the store for some eggs so we could have a family egg hunt. YOU GUYS the bag of those little plastic eggs was $6! I guess I'm cheap but that seems like a little much for something I'm just going to throw away or use only once a year but whatever! (eye roll) 

So we had our own egg hunt Sunday morning and they loved it so I guess that's worth $6 ;) 

By the end of the day the girls sugar crashed HARD and not the "oh how cute they fell asleep in their chair" crash it was the "holy cow, our neighbors are gunna think we're abusive because of how loud their screaming" crash. So that was fun! #momlife

All in all it was a good day :) And I love Jesus and think He's the best. 

Phone pic

Phone pic

At the Easter egg hunt! Violet is wishing her mother was more on top of things haha!

I love the dress and rainboots combo!

Her Peppa boots!

Real life table-scape. Not pretty but very delicious!

Hope you guys had an awesome Easter! 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Where I've Been.

I know not many people read this blog but this post is like a new beginning, fresh start, for me type post. 

When we first bought our house and listed off all the DIY's and such I was really excited to start this blog and document our progress and what we do around here and all of that fun stuff. But I didn't factor in life and my own personal issues. I had big dreams and even bigger expectations of myself and of how our life was "supposed" to be. 

The reality though is that I have depression. I've had depression for 11 years now and I've had good times and really bad times. Due to this and other personality flaws I am not very consistent. So we've started projects and started plans but we haven't really followed through with them. 

ANYWAYS... I am going to talk about my depression and my journey and stuff like that in the future but this is not the post for that. 

What I want to say here is that my husband and I have found a way to essentially cure my depression without any medications. So being depression free I have all new motivation and energy to do the things that I want to do and that I am interested in. 

Another really exciting thing that Tyler and I have decided is that we are going to stay in our TYNI cottage indefinitely. We have come up with a floor plan that will suit our needs (which I will share in the future) and we are really excited about it!

Staying in this house equals so many awesome things. Like a very affordable mortgage ($200 less than what we paid in rent). More freedom to travel and do fun activities. And an all around smaller space to clean and maintain. We have also come up with a 5 year renovation plan that we will be able to do everything and remain debt free! I can even go into more depth on our decision to stay here in another post. 

So I'm writing here to let you know you will be hearing a lot more from me and I'm glad to be back. Happy, Depression free, and with a fun new plan! 

thanks for reading! 

